1,563 research outputs found

    Beneficios e inconvenientes de la utilización de la cura Mölndal frente a la cura simple en la herida quirúrgica

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    [Resumen] Introducción: La técnica Mölndal se basa en la cura de heridas en ambiente húmedo mediante la aplicación de un apósito de hidrofibra hidrocoloide junto con un apósito de película transparente semipermeable (permite el paso del vapor de agua y O2, pero evita la entrada de líquidos y microorganismos) en la herida quirúrgica, de esta forma la herida queda protegida de factores externos permitiendo la visualización de la misma a través del apósito de poliuretano. Objetivo: Evidenciar la eficacia que la técnica Mölndal presenta ante la cura simple, a fin de reducir la aparición de complicaciones en la cicatrización de la herida quirúrgica y en incisiones de drenajes. Metodología: Debido a la necesidad de ahondar en la literatura se realizará una revisión bibliográfica en algunas de las principales bases de datos de Ciencias de la Salud; Dialnet, SCOPUS, Google académico, PubMed y Cochrane. La búsqueda se acotó a los últimos 15 años y fue limitada a publicaciones en castellano e inglés. Resultados: Se han localizado un total de 13 documentos; de los cuales 10 son artículos de investigación, 2 son guías clínicas y 1 es un póster informativo. Tras la lectura crítica se han seleccionado 7 documentos; de los cuales 6 son artículos de investigación y 1 es una guía clínica. En general los pacientes tratados con cura Mölndal (Mö) han precisado menos cambios de apósito que los tratados con cura tradicional (Tr), las complicaciones se han apreciado en menor medida en el grupo Mö y también se ha reducido la cantidad de exudado y la tasa de infección en pacientes con cura Mö. Conclusiones: En general en los resultados se observa que la cura Mölndal demuestra una disminución significativa de la aparición de complicaciones en la herida quirúrgica, así como una necesidad menor de 3 Beneficios e inconvenientes de la utilización de la cura Mölndal frente a la cura simple en la herida quirúrgica. Raquel Núñez Romero realizar el cambio de apósitos, por lo que consideramos que la relación coste-beneficio es mayor en la cura Mölndal respecto a la ofrecida por la cura tradicional.[Abstract] Introducction: The Mölndal technique is based on the wound healing in a moist environment by applying a hydrocolloid hydrofibre dressing together with a transparent semipermeable film dressing (it allows the passage of water vapor and O2, but prevents the entry of liquids and Microorganisms) in the surgical wound, in this way the wound is protected from external factors allowing the visualization of the wound through the polyurethane dressing. Objective: To demonstrate the effectiveness about using Mölndal technique versus using simple technique, in order to reduce the appearance of complications in surgical wound healing and drainage incisions. Methodology: Due to the need to delve into the literature, a bibliographic review will be carried out in some of the main databases of Health Sciences; Dialnet, SCOPUS, Google academic, PubMed and Cochrane. The search was limited to the last 15 years and was limited to publications in Spanish and English. Results: A total of 13 documents were located; of which 10 are research articles, 2 are clinical guidelines and 1 is an information poster. After the critical reading 7 documents have been selected; of which 6 are research articles and 1 is a clinical guide. In general, patients treated with Mölndal technique (Mö) have reported fewer dressing changes than those treated with traditional technique (Tr), complications have been observed to a lesser extent in the Mö group and the amount of exudate has also been reduced such as the infection rate with the Mö technique. Conclusions: In general the results show that the Mölndal cure demonstrates a significant decrease in the appearance of surgical wound 5 Beneficios e inconvenientes de la utilización de la cura Mölndal frente a la cura simple en la herida quirúrgica. Raquel Núñez Romero complications, as well as a lesser need to perform dressing changes, so we consider that the cost-benefit ratio is greater in the Mölndal technique than the one offered by the traditional technique.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Enfermaría. Curso 2016/201

    La actividad musical dependiente del Cabildo Municipal de Valencia durante la Guerra de Sucesión

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    La autora de esta comunicación nos ofrece una información preciosa sobre la actividad de los músicos dependientes del Cabildo Municipal de la ciudad de Valencia, desde 1700 hasta 1707; dicha actividad estaba realizada por diversas instituciones: a) los trompetas (y timbales), al servicio directo del municipio, del que ostentaban la representación de su imagen sonora; b) los ministriles -también del municipio-, que intervenían en procesiones y en celebraciones eclesiásticas con el instrumentario propio: chirimías, bajones, bajoncillos, serpentones, cornetas y sacabuches; c) dos instituciones corales: la capilla musical de la Seo, formada por 25 intérpretes vocales e instrumentales, y la capilla de San Juan del Mercado. En la comunicación aparece también una importante aportación documental de carácter musical, social y político.L'autora d'aquesta comunicació ens ofereix una preuada informació sobre l'activitat dels músics depenents del Capítol Municipal de la ciutat de València, des de 1700 fins al 1707; l'esmentada activitat era formada per diverses institucions: a) els trompetes (i timbals), al servei directe del municipi, del qual ostentaven la representació de la seva imatge sonora; b) els ministrers -també del municipi-, que intervenien a les processons i a les celebracions eclesiàstiques amb l'instrumentari propi: xeremies, baixons, baixonets, serpentons, cornetes i sacabutxos; c) dues institucions corals: la capella musical de la Seu, formada per 25 intèrprets vocals i instrumentals, i la capella de Sant Joan del Mercat. A la comunicació hi apareix també una important aportació documental de caràcter musical, social i polític.L'auteure de cette communication nous fournit des informations précieuses sur l'activité des musiciens dépendant du Conseil Municipal de la ville de Valencia, de 1700 à 1707. Cette activité était réalisée par différentes institutions: a) les trompettes [et les timbales] au service direct de la Municipalité, dont elles affichaient l'image sonore; b) les ménestrels -dépendant aussi de la Municipalité- qui intervenaient dans des processions et des célébrations avec leur propre instrument: chalumeaux, douçaines, douçainettes, serpents, cornets et sacqueboutes; c) deux institutions chorales: la chapelle musicale de la Seo, formée par 25 interprètes vocaux et instrumentaux, et la chapelle de San Juan del Mercado. On trouve aussi dans cette communication d'importants apports documentaires de caractères musical, social et politique.The author of this report presents valuable information on the activity of the musicians that were dependent on the Municipal Cabildo of the city of Valencia from 1700 to 1707; said activity was undertaken by different institutions: a) the trumpets [and timpani], were at the direct service of the Municipality, of whom they held the representation of its musical imagery; b) the minstrels -also of the Municipality-, who intervened in ecclesiastic processions and celebrations using their own instruments: hornpipes, dulcians, bassoons, serpents, cornets and sackbuts; c) two choral institutions: the Seo musical chapel, made up of 25 vocalists and instrumentalists, and the chapel of San Juan del Mercado. The report also includes an important documentary contribution of a musical, social and political nature.Die Autorin dieses Beitrags liefert wertvolle Informationen über die Tätigkeit der Musiker, die von 1700 bis 1707 unter der Obhut des Gemeinderats der Stadt Valencia standen. Diese musikalischen Aktivitäten wurden von verschiedenen Institutionen verwirklicht: a) die direkt der Gemeinde unterstehenden Trompeter (und Paukenschläger), deren Klangbild sie repräsentierten; b) die -ebenfalls der Gemeinde unterstehenden- Spielleute, die auf Prozessionen oder bei kirchlichen Feierlichkeiten mit dem ihnen eigenen Instrumentarium auftraten: Schalmeien, Fagotte, Altfagotte, Serpenten, Zinken und Posaunen; c) zwei Kirchenchöre: die Musikkapelle der Seu, die aus 25 Sängern und Instrumentalisten bestand, sowie die Kapelle Sant Joan del Mercat. Der Beitrag enthält darüber hinaus bedeutende musikalische, gesellschaftliche und politische Dokumente

    Neuropathic pain induced by sciatic nerve injury involves epigenetic changes and chromatolytic damage in the somatosensory nervous system. Effects of miR-30c-5p gain and loss of function.

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    ABSTRACT: Neuropathic pain (NP) is a debilitating chronic syndrome that is often refractory to currently available analgesics. The maintenance of NP encompasses long term pathological plasticity in the nervous system that may be explained by alterations in the epigenetic mechanisms and cellular processes that underlie this disease. In this thesis, we investigated the involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in neuropathic pain establishment and chronification and the effects of modulating miR-30c-5p in the somatosensory nervous system. The transcript levels of DNA methyltransferase-3A and 3B were significantly up-regulated in the spinal dorsal horn and dorsal root ganglia from neuropathic rats. This upregulation was potentiated when neuropathic rats were treated with a miR-30c-5p inhibitor. In parallel, both structures exhibited increased methylation at cytosine in CpG islands. By luciferase assay, we demonstrated a post-transcriptional regulation for DNMT3B and DNMT3A by miR-30c-5p. Furthermore, we demonstrated that NP induces an increase in the chromatolytic damage suffered by DRG neurons. This phenomenon was potentiated when neuropathic rats were treated with a miR-30c-5p mimic. We showed that miR-30c-5p treatment induces reorganization and loss of nucleolar transcription units, segregation of dense fibrillar and granular components and a depletion of cajal bodies. We propose that miR-30c-5p modulation in NP plays an essential role in the epigenetic mechanism and cellular processes that underlie this disease.Esta tesis ha sido financiada con ayudas a la investigación procedentes de: - Beca predoctoral de Neurociencia: Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno. - Instituto de investigación sanitaria Marqués de Valdecilla - Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad a través de los Proyectos del Plan Estatal: SAF2013-47434-R y SAF2016-77732-

    CERTIFICATION REPORT The Certification of the Mass Fractions of As, Br, Cd, Cl, Cr, Hg, S, Sb, Sn and Zn in Low-Density Polyethylene: ERM-EC681m

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    This report describes the production of ERM-EC681m, a low-density polyethylene material certified for the mass fraction of elements. The material was produced following ISO Guide 34:2009. An LDPE material containing certain elements was prepared from commercially sourced low-density polyethylene and organic and inorganic pigments. The material was extruded, mixed and filled into bottles. Between-bottle homogeneity was quantified and stability during dispatch and storage were assessed in accordance with ISO Guide 35:2006. The within-unit homogeneity was quantified to determine the minimum sample intake. The material was characterised by an intercomparison among laboratories of demonstrated competence and adhering to ISO/IEC 17025. Technically invalid results were removed but no outlier was eliminated on statistical grounds only. Uncertainties of the certified values were calculated in compliance with the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) and include uncertainties related to possible inhomogeneity, and instability and to characterisation. The material is intended for the quality control and/or assessment of method performance. As any reference material, it can also be used for control charts, validation studies or calibration of methods. The CRM is available in glass bottles containing 100 g of polyethylene granulate. The minimum amount of sample to be used is 150 mg for the determination of Cl and 60 mg for the determination of all other elements. The CRM was accepted as European Reference Material (ERM®) after peer evaluation by the partners of the European Reference Materials consortium.JRC.D.2-Standards for Innovation and sustainable Developmen

    From Iron Lady’s portrait to Mutti Angela’s photography: the iconic treatment of German Chancellor Angela Merkel

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    La investigación condensada en estas páginas se basa en el poder de denotación de la fotografía y en la utilidad del análisis de contenido para esclarecer cuál es la representación de Angela Merkel acuñada en 2015 por cinco diarios españoles de referencia. Concretamente, prima la intención de comprobar si los rasgos característicos de una metáfora extemporánea como es el rol de Dama de Hierro permean la imagen que los diarios generalistas proyectan sobre la canciller alemana, y si las actitudes que se le atribuyen coexisten con otras propias de la tradicional interpretación de la naturaleza femínea. Al término del artículo se propone el empleo de una tabla de identificación que permite reconocer en una instantánea si ésta responde a la idiosincrasia de los dos roles más comunes vinculados a Merkel.The research presented in these pages rests on the photography’s denotation power, as well as on the usefulness of the content analysis technique in order to clarify which is Angela Merkel’s representation. So as to, five Spanish newspapers are analysed during 2015. Specifically, the prevalent intention is to check if the characteristic features of an extemporaneous metaphor —as it is the role of Iron Lady— pervade the image projected by the mainstream press onto the German Chancellor. In addition, it is investigated whether the attributed attitudes coexist with traditional female interpretation features. Moreover, at the end of the article, the use of an identification table is proposed. It would help to recognize if a picture responds to the idiosyncrasies of the two most common roles linked to Merkel

    Glass forming ability and thermal stability of F-phlogopite based glasses

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    This paper presents the results of a study that analyses the effect of fluorine content on glass forming ability (GFA), glass stability (GS) and preferred crystallisation mechanism for a series of glasses in the SiO2-Al2O3-MgO-K2O-F system. Three glass compositions, with fluorine contents ranging from 4.50 to 5.70 wt. %, were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The GS was established by estimating different parameters derived from characteristic temperatures of non-isothermal DSC curves, namely, the working range (TTS), reduced glass transition temperature (Tgr), Weinberg (Kw), Hrubÿ (KH) and Lu-Liu (KLL) parameters. The prevalent crystallisation mechanism for each glass was assessed by determining the dissimilarity in crystallisation temperature (Tp) between fine ( 120°C/min) and obtaining amorphous glasses is only possible by fast cooling of the melt. In a subsequent thermal treatment, a volume crystallization mechanism will be prevalent in the process of devitrification of these F-phlogopite based glasses. Nevertheless, the increasing on the fluorine content in the glass composition leads to a variation in the location of the first developed crystals from the internal volume of the glass particle to surface sites. The results established by DSC analyses are verified by the results obtained from field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).R. Casasola and J. M. Pérez express their gratitude to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) for their contract through the JAE Program (JAEPre-08-00456 and JAEDoc-08-00362, respectively), which is co-financed by the European Social Fund. The financial support through the projects MAT 2006-05977 and MAT2013-40477-P is also recognised.Peer reviewe
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